This Sunday’s Services;

9am Holy Communion in Whatton which will be led by Revd Michael Bishop

10:45am Café Church in Aslockton which will be led by Revd Peter Watkins and the Café Crew. Breakfast will be served from 10:15am

A warm welcome awaits you at both of these services.

Whatton’s Annual Parochial Church Council meeting

During the next two months the Church of England requires everyone to renew their application to their Parish’s Church Electoral Roll. If you wish to enrol for Whatton Church, Janet has already distributed application forms to current members by hand or by e mail but if you are a new parishioner blank forms can be obtained from Whatton Church or Janet Greasley at Beechcroft, Chapel Walk or by e mail Completed applications need to be returned to Janet by 28th February 2019 if you wish to be included this year. Whatton Parochial Church Council’s Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th March 2019 at 7.15 pm in the Harris Room at Whatton Jubilee Hall. Election of Churchwardens, council members and Deanery Synod members will take place at this meeting together with presentation of Audited Accounts and a resume of the last financial year ended 31st December 2018. We welcome you all to join us and we would like to remind you that only people on the Church Electoral Roll will be able to vote so please don’t forget to renew or sign up.

Wrestling with God

“Wrestling with God” is a prayer and discussion group that takes place every two months at Annie Dickinson’s house in Orston. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 26th March at 7.30 pm. If you would like to join us please contact Annie via email

Aslockton’s Away Day

We will be having an “Away Day” on Saturday 9th February starting at 9.00 am in the Archbishop Cranmer School with a bring and share lunch. The first part will be led by Phil Williams, Associate Archdeacon for Transition Ministry and this will be followed by prayer and discussion amongst ourselves. All Aslockton parishioners are welcome. Phil will also be helping us in our journey to find a new Vicar.

Aslockton’s Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting

Aslockton’s Parish Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Council meeting will be on Monday 1st April at 7.00pm. We have to produce a brand new electoral roll in 2019 and we will be starting the process week commencing 28th January. Moreen Evans, our Electoral Roll Officer, will be writing to everyone who is on the existing electoral roll during that week and anyone who is not on it will be able to pick up a form that will be available in church or they can contact her on 01949 850325. The closing date is 11th March for applications to be included on the electoral roll.

This Sunday we have the following services:

9am Holy Communion in Hawksworth

10:45am Morning Praise and Baptism in Orston, both of these services will be led by Revd Michael Bishop

10:45am Morning Praise in Aslockton which will be led by Alison Stewart.

A warm welcome awaits you at all of these services