Sunday Service, 28th March

Dear Cranmer Group Friends,

On Palm Sunday, we’ve come to the end of our Lent sermon series on Nehemiah, as we see his story of rebuilding Jerusalem end ultimately in failure. But we also look forward, in that same city of Jerusalem, to “the ‘true’ Nehemiah”, in the person of Jesus, entering on a donkey to the cries of “Hosanna!” from the crowds.

As usual, catch up with our service on our YouTube channel here or download the service transcript here, if you prefer:

And I’m delighted that we are back in our church buildings (well, inside one of them, and outside another of them, in fact!) on Easter Day, to join together in celebration of Jesus’s resurrection. Details of all our Holy Week and Easter Day gathering, both online and in person, are here.

May you know God’s blessings as we journey with Christ to the pain and suffering of cross, and then share with him in the joy of his glorious Resurrection.

With my love and prayers,

Rev. Tim Chambers
The Cranmer Group

Phone: 01949 850523

Mobile: 07946 526569

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