Sunday Service, 7th February

I’m delighted that an old friend of our parishes, Rev’d Peter Watkins, joined us to preach on our passages from Colossians and John’s Gospel. It was great to have Peter with us, continuing his kind association with the Group from Café Church. Catch up on our YouTube channel here or download the service transcript here, if you prefer:

And a reminder with Ash Wednesday fast approaching that, should you wish to receive any or all of the following:

  • devotional prayers;
  • small quantities of palm cross ash, with which to mark the sign of the cross on your forehead as a sign of penance;
  • the CofE’s daily devotional for Lent, “God’s Story, Our Story”; and
  • an olive wood cross to hold in your hands as you pray,

please contact Jade Blaylock, our Administrator, on 07526 603766.. If you can’t get through to her, do please leave Jade a voicemail message, or email her at

Do stay safe – my very best wishes and prayers are with you all, 

Rev. Tim Chambers

The Cranmer Group
NEW E-mail:   

NEW Tel: 01949 850523
Mobile: 07946 526569

February Newsletter

Despite Lockdown, there seems to have been plenty going on in the Group, and we’ll also have new ways in which we can connect with God over the coming days, on Ash Wednesday and throughout the season of Lent. Find out more details in this month’s newsletter (note that where there are links in the Newsletter, please download the PDF version, from where you can click through using the links – the links can’t work in the image on the website, below):

I look forward in particular to journeying through this coming Lent season with you, as we seek the Lord’s presence in our lives.

Many God bless all of you, and all those whom you love, and keep you safe in these tough times,

Rev. Tim Chambers

The Cranmer Group
NEW E-mail:   

NEW Tel: 01949 850523
Mobile: 07946 526569

Sunday Services, 17th, 24th and 31st January

Dear Cranmer Group Friends, 

I hope you’re all doing as well as we can in these continuing difficult times. I’m sorry that there’s been a gap in me posting our online service transcripts – it seems to have been a really busy couple of weeks, and I never managed to get round to completing them, so here you have “three for the price of one”: 

Our Archbishops, Justin and Stephen, have written in an open letter, “As we reach the terrible milestone of 100,000 deaths from COVID-19, we invite everyone in our nation to pause as we reflect on the enormity of this pandemic. 100,000 isn’t just an abstract figure. Each number is a person: someone we loved and someone who loved us. We also believe that each of these people was known to God and cherished by God. We write to you then in consolation, but also in encouragement, and ultimately in the hope of Jesus Christ. The God who comes to us in Jesus knew grief and suffering himself. On the cross, Jesus shares the weight of our sadness. We therefore encourage everyone who is feeling scared, or lost or isolated to cast their fears on God.” 

They have therefore called upon all Christians to join together in prayer, at 6pm each evening during this month of February. I very much encourage you to join with us all in this time of prayer, whether every day, or on whichever days you are able to do so.

It’s also less than a fortnight until the start of Lent, on Ash Wednesday. We will have an online service that morning at 10AM – details are in the February Newsletter (see the blog post relating to that). We’ll also be distributing devotional prayers, and small quantities of ash (made from the burning of palm crosses, as is traditional), with which you can mark the sign of the cross on your forehead, as a sign of penance, and in recognition of our mortality. Please do contact Jade Blaylock, our Administrator, on 07526 603766 and at, if you would like to receive these, and also a copy of the Church of England’s excellent daily devotional for Lent, “God’s Story, Our Story”. And if you also wish to receive a small olive wood devotional cross to hold in your hands as you pray, please also let Jade know.

Finally, I also strongly recommend the Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2021 Lent Book, “Living His Story” by Hannah Steele, which costs £7.99. There will be an online group reading this together over Lent. Again, details are in the February Newsletter, so do see that blog post.

May you continue to know God’s peace and comfort at this time.
Do keep safe – Clare’s and my very best wishes and prayers are with you all,

Rev. Tim Chambers

The Cranmer Group

Tel: 01949 850523
Mobile: 07946 526569