Some of you will have received this month’s Newsletter via email – the links to other URLs should work in that document. Here on the website, however, they don’t work due to the document’s format, so all the links you can see in the document are given at the end of the Newsletter.
Even though we’re still subject to many social distancing constraints, do join us in what we have going on this month – especially the first Café Church Online!
Links within the Newsletter:
To join our Online Service, Sundays 9.30-10.00AM, click here.
To join our gathering on Zoom, Sundays 10.15-11.00AM, click here (meeting ID: 864 0083 1074; Password: 549794).
To join Morning Prayer on Zoom, Wednesdays & Fridays 9.00-9.30AM, click here (meeting ID: 873 3636 1158; Password: 629570).
To join Evening Prayer on Zoom, Thursdays 8.00-8.30PM, click here (meeting ID: 873 3636 1158; Password: 629570).
To find out more about the Ignitian Examen prayer, click here.
To read Bishop Paul’s message about confronting racism, click here.