September Services

Dear Friends,

We’ve been a bit behind in posting on the website all the sermons and services that took place in September – I’m sorry for that!

Here – at last – are the services from the last month, as we’ve been following in our services what it means to “be church”. First of all, here is the service from September 27th, in which we reflected upon being “called to be…hopeful”:

….and here, in a ‘bumper pack’ are the three services from September 6th, 13th and 20th, in which Tim looked at being “called to be…scriptural”; “called to be…prayerful”; and “called to be…worshipful” respectively:

In all of them, we consider a fundamental part of what it is to “be church”; to be a people who witness on this earth to the Kingdom of God, and who play a part in the Kingdom breaking into the present.

Of course, if you wish to watch these Sunday services (or perhaps watch them again!), you can catch up with them later, on our YouTube channel here.

Every blessing,

Rev. Tim Chambers

The Cranmer Group
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