Services: Ash Wednesday (17th February), and Sundays 21st and 28th February, and 7th March

Dear Cranmer Group Friends, 

I hope that this finds you all well, and hopeful. Whilst spring weather has seemed to come and go at times, we find hope in the turning of the seasons to warmer, drier and sunnier times, and also, of course, in the success of the amazing Covid vaccination programme and decreasing numbers of cases, hospital admissions and deaths from the dreadful virus. But, above all, we find our hope in the certainty we share as Christians in Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected. 

I recall saying at the end of January that I’d do my best to be much more up-to-date with getting to you the transcripts of our services over the coming weeks. I’m very sorry, I really don’t seem to have done very well with that at all, as we now find ourselves not far off the middle of March… So you have another “bumper pack” of services and sermons from me here:

…or you can of course catch up with them all on our Benefice YouTube page, or in our podcasts.

During Lent, we’re following a preaching series on the Book of Nehemiah, whom God called to rebuild the ruined city of Jerusalem. It has much wisdom for us all as – God willing – we come out of lockdown and begin a “new normal” life, and also as we develop a new vision for our Cranmer Group. Your Benefice Council and a new ‘Ministry Team’ group from all of our parishes are prayerfully developing this with me. We hope that we will see great fruit from it in the months and years to come, with new followers of Jesus in our communities; deepening discipleship amongst all of you, our existing parishioners; and increasing signs of God’s Kingdom throughout our communities, as we serve and minister to our villages.

With my prayers and God’s blessing throughout this Lenten season,

The Cranmer Group

Tel: 01949 850523
Mobile: 07946 526569

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